Saturday, 20 August 2011

Ubuntu 10.04.3 OEM [x86] (2011) PC

Ubuntu 10.04.3 OEM [x86] (2011) PC | 927 MB

Ubuntu 10.04.3 OEM [x86] (2011) PC - an operating system for users who are not afraid to try something new, unusual in an interface, as well as open new facilities in operation. Ubuntu 10.04.3 for those who want to see and feel all the working interface of Linux "in its purest form." This system can be used to preinstall on new PCs for sale, for multiple installations. When installing the note - how to put the system on your hard drive. All the rest: the language, the clock, the keyboard, creating a new user, and so on, it will ask itself at the first startup.

On the installation disc is already present and does not require additional downloads from the Internet:

- All updates till August 2011;
- Full support for Russian, Ukrainian and English;
- Includes full multimedia support (audio and video codecs: avi, divX, mp4, mp4, amr, Flash and others). Problems when watching movies or listening to music after the installation you will not;
- Support for multiple types of archives (RAR, ACE, ARJ and others);
- Full support for Windows-network

System requirements:

CPU: AMD or prots.Intel
HDD: 3GB minimum
RAM: 256M minimum

Enabling | reg code: not required
Language: Multilingual (Russian present)
File format:. Iso
Platform / OS: x86

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